vendredi 22 avril 2011

child rape

every one in morocco try to avoid talking about child rape,although the drag of this criminal act have severe repercussions on the psyche of the victim; The rural migration, poverty, ignorance, illiteracy and deprivation is one of the factors that have contributed and still contribute to the emergence of the phenomenon of children's exposure to rape. To the extent that every displaced child is a child rapist by others in addition to rape each other.
not just street children are victims , but also others .
It is no secret that a person who rapes a child as a person who is not only that rape is the ultimate violence. I personally submit to this shameful act governed by the dynamic unconscious to make it submit to the commission of the act unconsciously own damages because he wants to satisfy the wishes of the repressed has. 
 it's a sovage act, how can they rape a boy or a girl aged 5 or 3 or 7 .....years old,it's a Lousiness  .
It is well known that the ongoing work by the law in Morocco expressly provides for the punishment of perpetrators of rape. Chapter 465 of the Penal Code is punishable with imprisonment of five to ten years of rape or attempted rape of any person male or female, with the use of violence. 
in my opinion, the criminal must be killed,not just put in prison for 20 years , because i don't think he is a human being like us, he is an animal, and even animal will feel embaressed if we compaire it with that criminal, he is nothing he deserve to be called "IT not HE".

short story

An old man was siting with his son at the age of 25 years ld in the train. it seemed a lot of excitment and curiosity on the face of the young man who was siting next to the window...
his hand out of the windows at the passing air and shouted :
         "Father,see all the treas are going behind!!"
the father smiled.
A couple were sitting next to them and listen to the whole conversation between the father and the son.they felt a little embaressed , a man aged 25 years was actting like a baby!!
He shouted again :
      "Dad,look at the pond and animals, see the clouds are moving with 
       the train"
the couple watching the young man again.
Than it started raining, and water drops falling at the hands of the young man and filld with joy and shouted again:
      "Dad it rains,the water is touching me, see my father!!"
at this moment the couple asked the old man :
    " why don't you visit a doctor and get treatment for your son?!"
the old man answered:
      " we are coming from the hospital where my son got his eyes for the first time in his life." 
         ALWAYS REMAMBER: Do not draw conclusions until you
                                                             know the facts.

jeudi 21 avril 2011


What is friendship?:
It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy.
These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave.
Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship.
Building  friendships takes time. Friendships  require self-disclosure so any friendship has risks, Talking and listening builds friendships. Friendships require equality and loyalty from friends.
Friendships may not last. Friendships can lose importance and die gradually. Some friendships end abruptly with unresolved conflict. The worst enemy of friendships is change by one or both friends. There is usually pain with the loss of friendship.
Friendships as well as all other relationships must have limits. You set limits with your friends because you care for them and your relationship with them, not because you don't.

lundi 11 avril 2011

why do we learn a lagauge?

Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is needed. Some reasons are practical, some aspirational, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons, having a clear idea of why you're learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies.
     So, why should I learn a laguage?


When you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you to communicate and integrate with the local community. Even if many of the locals speak your language, for example if your L1 is English and you move to the Netherlands, it's still worth your while learning the local language. Doing so will demonstrate your interest in and commitment to the new country. 

Family and friends

If your partner, in-laws, relatives or friends speak a different language, learning that language will help you to communicate with them. It will also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking.


Maybe you're interested in the literature, poetry, films, TV programs, music or some other aspect of the culture of people who speak a particular language and want to learn their language in order to gain a better understanding of their culture.


Many English speakers seem to believe that wherever you go on holiday you can get by speaking English, so there's no point in learning any other languages. If people don't understand you all you have to do is speak slowly and turn up the volume. You can more or less get away with this, as long as you stick to popular tourist resorts and hotels where you can usually find someone who speaks English. However, if you want to venture beyond such places, to get to know the locals, to read signs, menus, etc, knowing the local language is necessary.

Study or research

You may find that information about subjects you're interested in is published mainly in a foreign language. Learning that language will give you access to the material and enable you to communicate with fellow students and researchers in the field.


If your work involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. It may also help you to make sales and to negotiate and secure contracts. Knowledge of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas, or of going on foreign business trips.

Studying abroad

If you plan to study at a foreign university, college or school, you'll need a good knowledge of the local language, unless the course you want to study is taught through the medium of your L1. Your institution will probably provide preparatory courses to improve your language skills and continuing support throughout your main course.
                  these are some of the reasons why you should learn other langages, but there still other, maybe if you ask some one why do learn foreign language he will say" because i love doing this!!!..." it's simple he loves doing this because language is the way that people use to exprece themselves! and  by learning it you can ynderstand your own language, i also believe that when somebody at least tries to learn the language of the country they are visiting it shows a lot of respect. People really appreciate it. in the end you'll have much fun by learning it!!!!....


Sciatica  or  low  back  pain  following  sciatic  nerve  territory  S1 or L5 spinal reached  at  the  spine  or  its  immediate  vicinity  It is  a  common  disease: it affects  5 to 10% of  patients  with  back  pain .
Age, stress, smoking and a job involving movement of the back increases the risk of sciatica .
The pain is typically intermittent, of one side of the lumbar spine radiating into the toes,They can be triggered by sitting  (especially by car). 

dimanche 10 avril 2011


Try to imagine what it would be like if you were hungry and no food was available. None. Your body starts to feed on its own fat and body tissues. If you don’t eat for a long time, you may lose about 50 percent of your body weight. Your skin becomes thin, stiff, pale, and cold. Your hair becomes dry and sparse and falls out easily. After about 8 to 12 weeks without food, you starve to death.
Hungry people live everywhere: in mountains, plains, coasts and islands. There are hungry people in every region of the world. Here’s how the numbers break down: 

Sub-Saharan Africa: 204 million
Asia/Pacific: 156 million
India: 221 million
China: 142 million
Latin America/Caribbean: 53 million
Near East/North Africa: 39 million
Countries that used to be part of the Soviet Union: 28 million
Other industrialized countries: 9 million 
The causes of hunger  include famine, poverty, malnutrition, just to name a few.  Hunger is  becoming an issue we can't stop.  More and more people each year are dying of  hunger.  The death rate is astonishing.  It is amazing how something as simple as brittle  food can affect the world and become such a huge world issue.  You may find the answer to be quite simple.

homeless children

Thousands of children are left on the streets to deal with their sorrows and harsh living conditions. Shattered dreams, abuse of all kinds and lack of affection are the only reality they know. The Morocco Times highlights the important factors that lead these children to be on the street. 
this problem is not only in morocco, we find it in south africa, india,......!!most of children leave in the streets they don't have a normaly childhood.
we can't feel there situation better than them, what do think of knowing some of there opinion?! so that we can understand them more!:
"should i tell u what we suffer from?!! well if u don't see it i can tell u than, we suffer from hunger,we deal with our sorrows and harsh leaving conditions , we know just Shattered dreams, abuse of all kinds and lack of affection , we feel abandoned and have lost all trust in adults ....!! and how can we forget this just for a whil aaaah!! we take drugs to provent our selves from commiting a crime our future is dark and unpromising All that matters to us is day-to-day survival, something to eat, something to wear, and somewhere to sleep. There is no space or time for childhood. Every one of us has a different story but in the end we are homless children"
what do you think now? how do you feel when you reead these words, full of sadness and  sufferance  ....etc!! ? No need to unswer, silence also can exprece!!